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How does WashBox improve site
productivity and reduce cost?

Stop plumbing blockages and costly damage and snake outs

Trades washing out in slop sinks and sewer connected drums cause blockages in connected plumbing. When plumbing blocks, sewers can collapse under the weight, can overflow and leak causing damage to the site including already finished areas.


Remove the sewer discharge of trade waste with WashBox and eliminate the risk.

Construction wash

Eliminate the cost of drums for washout and save money

Temporary plumbing installations involve the sourcing, transport and installation of various components. The cost of materials and labour to install, and remove each installation is circa $2000. Each installation represents around 1 m3 of solid waste which is disposed into a solid waste skip at around $200 per m3. A 40 story building with drums on every other floor will spend over $40,000 on temporary plumbing for trades washout.

Eliminate the fixed installation of drums for washout and complete all areas

Fixed washout drums, often called temps or temporary plumbing are typically installed by a plumbing sub trade as part of their contract. These drums and associated plumbing fittings are installed in a fixed location for the duration of the construction project. During works, their fixed installation prevents these areas of the building being completed in line with surrounding areas until they are removed. This often causes areas of the project to be revisited for completion at a later stage causing inefficiencies.

Washbox being used

Eliminate the installation and removal of temporary plumbing for a more productive site

The receiving, installation and removal of temporary plumbing involves the loading dock, forklift, material hoist or crane, movement of personnel, and trade labour that could be more productively used installing permanent works in the building. When you replace all this activity with the single delivery and 30 minute installation of WashBox the benefits to site are huge.

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